Outer ini terbuat dari kain bulu yang lembut, unik dan cantik dengan detail bulu yang mewah dan elegant. Bagian tangan yang loose dan outer dengan ukuran all size membuat badan terlihat langsing, outer simple namun cantik ini memberikan kesan extraordinary look dengan detail bulu yang super elegant dengan warna soft pink yang girly dan feminime.
Black outer yang elegant dengan warna yang kalem mix and match-able dengan berbagai macam bawahan seperti pam pans/cullote/rok plisket maupun jeans. Super lovely look that will bring you joy as well as beauty when you wear it.
The pretty outer you can add to your wardrobe as your favorite outfit to go. Adorned with a soft fleece fabric on all part of this outer and the minimalist but very elegant design, this outer will increase your performance on all occasions you’ll visit.
This Outer is made from soft fleece fabric. The loose and outer parts of the sleeve are all sizes in looks extra with detailed fur super elegant with black that is very pretty to be worn.
All Size
Lingkar dada max 110 cm
Panjang Baju 95 cm